Thursday, September 22, 2011

Green Sand.

I heard there is a beach on this earth with
~Green Sand~
I love green and I love sand and if its a beach it must be by the ocean.
That is a beautiful thing.
I will go here.

so in order to go I need to....
find a stable job
save up
add this on my RTW trip I am planning.

green beach--i will see you someday.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


The lover, the puoopy & i.
we go on hiking adventures. wiki wiki. yeha.
Mini Waterfall.....sheahhh.
Ima Treehugger.
Baer Canyon.
I like flowers... photos.

hot hot heat in mesquite

Yeah.. I went there.
Played mermaid about 75% of the time I was there.
Mesquite, Nevada.

It's true, I want to be a mermaid when I grow up!

I want people to be like...
"that, there, girl is a mermaid gypsy hippie tree hugging lovin person, wiki wiki wahh."
So I saw the little mermaid at the theatre in st. jeezy & had many smoothies from the orange peel.
Orange Peel=my favorite smoothie place ever!

Anyways.. today, well more than today, but anyways
I miss living in Fiji and being a mermaid there :(
One year ago, I was scuba diving in fiji and saw my first wild sea turtle on ma scuba dive.
It was surreal.
i loved it.
i love sea turtles.
i love scuba diving. ahhhhh.