Thursday, July 26, 2012

Mt. Edgecumbe - Sitka, AK

It twas one of the few days where it was not raining for most the day here in Alaska.

There is a volcano called Mt. Edgecumbe located over on Kruz Off island which is about a 30 minute boat ride from Sitka. 
I knew I had to hike to this volcano the second I saw it and heard it was possible.


7 miles in
7 miles out
14 miles total
From sea level to 3200 ft up.
on an Island in Alaska
Tambourine ....check.

Lucky for me, the weather that day was perfect. Started out cloudy, as we hiked the last 0.6 of a mile (which was thee worst and hardest 0.6 mile I have ever done), the cloud crept up and out of the way so we could view all of our surroundings on top of this volcano. 

I even got sunburnt for the first time ever here in Alaska. 
Proud of that.

I hiked up to the volcano, I sledded down on my rain coat on the side of the volcano (about 0.5 of a mile), I walked around the rim of the volcano, I ate strawberries at the top of the volcano.

I feel accomplished. This was also the longest hike I have done in one day. Not sure what it was before this, but I know it wasn't 14 miles. 

Here are a few of the glamour shots of this amazing hike.

 My adopted hiking group for the first bit.

 Up the last 0.6 miles of the trail, the first part & my temporary walking stick.


 Yoga on top of Mt. Edgecumbe

At the top of the volcano, meditating, making my mark with peace and tambourines.

Volcano crater.

Balance around the rim of Edgecumbe.

Into the Alaskan Abyss....

Here me rawr...atop this volcano, barefoot.

After sledding down, I feel great.

Hugging trees & saying my goodbyes for now.

Such an excellent day in Alaska!

Monday, July 2, 2012

I got a bag

I done thangs. seee.

 Watch whales at the Seamart with the Volcano in the background...
I must hike that while I am here.

Go to crab fest and feast on crab.

 Watch Beautiful Sunsets at the Seamart parking lot.

 Yet another beautiful Sunset in Sitka, Alaska.

 How Beary Cute. Fortress of the bears.

Bahhh. Bahhh. sheep.

Run the "Only Fools Run at Midnight" Race
Go Team Worldly Tree Huggers!
note: Best body paint award goes to brooke & kyle

 Thimbleberry Trail, where I ate my first Salmon Berry.


Tree Huggers. Tree hugs are free hugs.

Hike up Gavin Trail with my amiga Jheryn. So beautiful.

 Stairs going up gavin trail.

Happy Fourth of July
Hug a tree, it's free.

A sunny day, a sunny slow day, & working

Fireworks, over the water.

Frolicking with my tambourine in Alaska


It's raining. I have had zero customers purchase something in the past two hours of work. I just want to curl up in a ball and watch gossip girl. I rented it from the library and it is soothing for me and my leg. I pulled a muscle in the race I ran, but I ran the whole entire race which was 3.1 miles. So high five to the girl with the painted legs. Yes I was dressed and painted as a worldly tree hugger [like the page on fb please]. Super exciting that my team won a prize for best body paint.. OH YEAHHHHHH. I bought some grapefruit juice and a honeydew and it is absolutely delicious. I have one month til a friend comes out to visit and I cannot wait and then I have 6 weeks til my lover comes to visit and I can't can't wait. So excited to see them both! Iyiyiyiiyiyi.