Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Jump: but not without my bungy

The Bungee Plunge
Has anyone ever heard of bungy jumping? It's not so popular here in Utah, but it exists and it is quite the rush. I have done it 3 times now, twice in Idaho and once in New Zealand. I thought I killed myself the first time I jumped, but clearly I did not. I lived, I still breathe, eat, drink, walk, talk, and live it up -ehohhh..ehoh- Yesssss. It's a lot safer if you use a bungee cord instead of a vine.

Of course, people still do bungee jump in the style above. It's a tradition on the small island of Vanawatu. However it has now expanded as a recreational adventure activity, especially in New Zealand. I did the highest one in the NZ, but they have at least 6 areas for bungee jumping there!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Twisted Silk

Silk it up baby.

My newest hobby is aerial silks. What is it? It's a piece of silk (fabric) that is around 12 yards long and hung on something high. The aerial part is when someone uses the silks by climbing, twisting, lifting, dropping, and entangling themselves in the silk. This type of dance, activity, what ever you want to call it is used in the circus. It is neat, elegant, and intense. I will post a video on youtube sometime or maybe on here if I can figure it out.

I first decided and well, heard about aerial silks 2 years ago and I have been wanting to do a class. Finally I was able to find a studio that offered it and I got an excellent deal. I started just two months ago in February and have been going every week. I have got arm muscle from it, which is insane, because I have always had flabby chicken arms, but now, I don't. I am beginning to appear muscular de la arms. Awesome, right! I sure think so.

One more note, I think I am partially in love with doing aerial silks because ever since I was little I wanted to be Arial from The Little Mermaid. I know, neither of these have anything to do with each other, but hey, it makes me happy :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Purple-Blue-Green Fire.

Like I said....


How did I get these magical colors? It's magic...
Do you believe in magic?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Leaves. Trees. Nature.

Hiking is to my Liking.

Hiking is an excellent way to release your natural energy with natural sources. With a sunny day, no clouds and an early rising moon, it was time to put on my hiking shoe choice (jandels today) and go go go. I went to a place called Fernwood and hiked through the woods and up, up, to the side, up, and down. It was nice, soothing to the soul and magical for my feet. I love hiking with little or no shoes. Which leads me to my next thought....
Claustrophobic Feet?
I'm not sure if it is medically realistic, but it's my excuse that I don't have to wear shoes because my feet do not enjoy being in tight enclosed places. Therefore, I have "Claustrophobic Feet" and need to avoid "real shoes" as much as I can. Awesome right?

Now, it's time to go play with fire...fire fire fire!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Candy Lane

By the direction of the moon and the clouds in the sky I would have to say it is approximately 6:01 p.m., mountain time, of course. Yes I am Brooke, I live somewhere surrounded by mountains. You might just want to think of me as a Mountain woman who gained access to this world of technology here in the U.S. of A.

The snow is melting and summer is coming, I'm stoked. I love winter, but I love summer just as much. It's almost easter and I keep staring at the candy lane. I must say, these stand out like no other. I want some, I must have some, but I'm trying to be strong.
I will eat some, I know I will. I'm trying to keep myself from eating them because I have gained about 10 pounds since I got home from overseas (I went and lived in Fiji for 5 months and then traveled over to Australia and New Zealand for a month after that). Food at home is soo good and chocolate is sooo much cheaper than it was while I was overseas. Now I have to eye the candy lane at stores and think about how good this would taste. Ah, man. I must now go twist it like a gypsy.