Saturday, April 16, 2011

Leaves. Trees. Nature.

Hiking is to my Liking.

Hiking is an excellent way to release your natural energy with natural sources. With a sunny day, no clouds and an early rising moon, it was time to put on my hiking shoe choice (jandels today) and go go go. I went to a place called Fernwood and hiked through the woods and up, up, to the side, up, and down. It was nice, soothing to the soul and magical for my feet. I love hiking with little or no shoes. Which leads me to my next thought....
Claustrophobic Feet?
I'm not sure if it is medically realistic, but it's my excuse that I don't have to wear shoes because my feet do not enjoy being in tight enclosed places. Therefore, I have "Claustrophobic Feet" and need to avoid "real shoes" as much as I can. Awesome right?

Now, it's time to go play with fire fire!

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