Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Job Search Continues:

As for the job search, I have had a handful of interviews and I’m waiting to hear from a couple companies at the moment. I have applied for countless amounts of jobs with tour operators here in Queenstown and it seems to be quite a struggle. If I settled for hospitality work, I know I could get one, but I moved here to work in tourism, to utilize my degree and to heal my soul. Why is this so hard? 

 I’m trying to keep my head up, despite the amount of times I’ve been close to getting the job (because I've gotten close). Kiwi's take priority over the transports (me -- people from other countries) and I get that, but I don't know how much more rejection I can handle. There are always winter jobs if all else fails, but I'm trying to step away from the snow industry and work with a new tourism operator selling a different kind of adventure tourism experience. No more rejection... please? #rejectionhurts #isitmyturnyet

I’m not settling for a hospo job (Food and beverage restaurant work/bartending, housekeeping). I did that when I moved to Queenstown because I had too. I had no money and I lost touch with who I was a bit, but I’m back. I know if I needed too, I could find some hospo work, but I moved to Queenstown to work with a tour operator and so… I’m on the road to making that happen. #patience. #fpatience.

Everything happens for a reason.. right?
Photo taken at the top of Ben Lomend Peak in Queenstown.. yesterday.

Everything is not rainbows and unicorns ya'all.
Note: I generally only post happy things on here because there are so many things in life to be happy about, but I still have ruts in the road. I'm currently in one of those ruts with this job hunt and being picky thing. It's not easy, it's not always fun, but it's not a huge problem either.. there are much bigger problems in the world than me not being able to find a job I want in this new life I'm trying to make. There are bigger issues happening in the world. I'm just grateful that I am healthy, have a shelter over my head and have a talent I can share to try to make money (busking with my aerial silk) until I find something.

Got to keep my head up... hey oh... and take a step up... hey yo

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